Work in Progress
Jobs and Support for Trade, with Ernesto Stein, Razvan Vlaicu, and Victor Zuluaga, IDB Discussion Paper, 2024.
Peer-reviewed publications
1. In Someone Else’s Shoes: Reducing Prejudice Through Perspective Taking, with Sandra Rozo. Journal of Development Economics, 2024.
Previous versions: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, IDB Working Paper
2. South-South Migration and Female Labor Supply in the Dominican Republic, with Tatiana Hiller. Journal of Economic Geography, 2023.
Previous versions: Submitted version; IDB Working Paper
3. The China Shock on Manufacturing in Brazil: Lessons on Productivity, Innovation, and Jobs, with Mauricio M. Moreira, Filipe Lage de Sousa, and Federico Merchán. The International Trade Journal, 2023.
Previous versions: IDB Working Paper
4. Discrimination toward migrants during crises, with Sandra Rozo. Migration Studies, 2022.
Previous versions: IDB Working Paper.
5. International Trade, Job Training, and Labor Reallocation, with Juan Blyde and José C. Pires. Review of International Economics, 2022.
Previous versions: Submitted version; IDB Working Paper
6. Online Business Platforms and International Trade, with Jerónimo Carballo, Catalina Salas, and Christian Volpe. Journal of International Economics, 2022.
Previous versions: IDB Working Paper
7. How Issue Framing Shapes Trade Attitudes: Evidence from a Multi-Country Survey Experiment, with Ernesto Stein and Razvan Vlaicu. Journal of International Economics, 2021.
Previous versions: IDB Working Paper
Policy Papers
1. Brechas de género en el acceso al financiamiento empresarial en Uruguay. [Gender gaps in access to firm finance in Uruguay], with Karina Azar, Andrea Monje, Francisco Demichelis, and Gabriela Andrade, IDB Technical Note, 2024.
2. Aspiraciones versus realidad: propuestas para reducir la brecha entre las aspiraciones de la juventud y las oportunidades del mercado laboral en Uruguay [Aspirations versus reality: proposals to reduce the gap between youth aspirations and labor market opportunities in Uruguay], with Belén Sotto. IDB Technical Note, 2023.
3. Brecha de género en el comercio exterior: mismo juego, distintas reglas. Los casos de Argentina, Chile y Uruguay. [Gender gaps in international trade: same game, different rules. The cases of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay], with Magdalena Bafarani, Andrea Benítez, Paula Garnero, and Jerónimo Torrealday, IDB Technical Note, 2022.
4. Salir de la sombra: cómo un programa de regularización mejoró la vida de los migrantes venezolanos en Colombia [Out of the shadows: how a regularization program improved the lives of Venezuelan migrants in Colombia], with Ana María Ibáñez, Sandra Rozo, Andrés Moya, María Adelaida Ortega, and María José Urbina, IDB Monography, 2022.
5. Las dos caras de la integración: Percepciones de colombianos y venezolanos sobre el fenómeno migratorio en Bogotá, Colombia [The two faces of integration: Perceptions of Colombians and Venezuelans about migration in Bogotá, Colombia], with Olga Namen and Nicolás Romero, IDB Technical Note, 2021.
6. Migrants in Latin America: Disparities in Health Status and in Access to Healthcare, with Denisse Pierola, IDB Discussion Paper, 2020. [Spanish version]
7. New Technologies and Trade: New Determinants, Modalities, and Varieties, with Antoni Estevadeordal and Christian Volpe, IDB Discussion Paper, 2020.
8. Information and Exports: Firm-Level Evidence from an Online Platform, with Jeronimo Carballo, Carlos Salamanca Malagón, and Christian Volpe, IDB Discussion Paper, 2020.
Books and Book Chapters
1. Juventud desigual: un reto para el desarrollo del Cono Sur [Unequal youth: a development challenge for the Southern Cone], with Virginia Queijo and Belén Sotto, IDB Monography, 2024.
2. On Board with Trade for Now: People’s Attitudes and Support, with Ernesto Stein, Razvan Vlaicu, and Victor Zuluaga, in: Mauricio Mesquita Moreira and Ernesto Stein (Ed.) Trading Promises for Results: What Global Integration Can Do for Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC, 2019.
3. Labor Adjustment Policies: What Works?, with Juan Blyde, in: Mauricio Mesquita Moreira and Ernesto Stein (Ed.) Trading Promises for Results: What Global Integration Can Do for Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC, 2019.
4. New Technologies and Trade: New Challenges for a New World, with Christian Volpe, in: Mauricio Mesquita Moreira and Ernesto Stein (Ed.) Trading Promises for Results: What Global Integration Can Do for Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC, 2019.
5. Las Causas de un Amplio Apoyo: Actitudes Frente al Comercio Exterior [The Causes of a Wide Support: Attitudes Towards International Trade], with Ernesto Stein, Razvan Vlaicu, and Victor Zuluaga, Revista Integración & Comercio, Año 23, No 45, INTAL, Inter-American Development Bank, 2019.
6. A Quarter of a Century Later: What are the Results?, with Kun Li and Mauricio Mesquita Moreira, in: Mauricio Mesquita Moreira (Ed.) Connecting the Dots: A Road Map for Better Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC, 2018.